The Influential Leadership Activation Programme
Think. Choose. Act. Apex. Achieve…
Alpha is our online activation (learning) programme that equips people with Influential Leadership capability, an Apex Skill.
We choose our words carefully here:
- Activation is more than learning. It is learning turned into knowledge that is then applied.
- Activation is being a leadership activist—someone who practices and promotes Influential Leadership as a life-leadership choice.
So, Alpha gets you ready to be a Leadership ACTivist with an Apex Skill.
Alpha: The Activation Waypoints
Alpha comprises three Parts, 14 Modules and 12 Assessments.
Part 1
Context matters.
If you do not care for context, you might lose 80 IQ points, according to the guru of object-oriented programming, Alan Kay.
In Part 1 we start off by creating a context reflecting the history and language of leadership as it has been modelled, practiced and spoken of since human#1.
We begin to establish leadership as an essential and necessary human construct.
We take a tour through the rise of leadership and imagine why it was established by humans and then follow its flow into the modern ages.
We also examine how leadership is framed in the variety of models and theories, including how it is easily lost in translation with management and other social constructs.
Because there is considerable conflation between leadership and (business) management, there is a broad discussion of this matter.
Matters such as why people choose to lead, the perceived benefits of leading and leadership and the essential role of critical thinking are examined.
We also discuss and define the purpose of leadership, which anchors the System to be built in Part 2.
By the end of Part 1 we are ready for the new world.
Part 1 includes four assessments.
Part 2
In Part 2 we fashion the Influential Leadership System, from the ground up.
Every glorious construct needs an architecture, and it is no different with ours.
BTW. One of the fundamental shortcomings of most legacy forms of leadership is the absence of an architecture; they often appear like a mirage – the closer you get to them the less substance they have.
The distinctive architecture of the Influential Leadership System includes the following building blocks:
- A fundamental assumption that is that leadership is an ecosystem that exists and functions within other interacting systems.
- Social agency, which is founded on self-efficacy, is the intellectual basis for the value and power of leadership.
- Then there are three internal pillars:
- The leadership philosophy.
- The leadership principles.
- The leadership behavioural attributes.
- Leadership moments are the leadership triggers (activators).
- Leadership outcomes are the productive consequences of successful leadership.
The theme running through all of the above elements is the heart of the matter, the purpose of leadership.
At the close of Part 2, we pull all the pieces together into a coherent whole before we head into some Influential Leadership practicing.
There are six assessments in Part 2.
Part 3
Parts 1 and 2 build up to Part 3 that takes us into the practice of leadership.
One of the trademark characteristics of the Influential Leadership System is that it is a practice. It is akin to the professions of accounting, engineering and football, for example, that manifest themselves in their practice. I.e., one becomes a leader, an accountant, an engineer or a footballer through practicing that skill.
Leadership is a strategic skill, an Apex Skill.
Because leadership always starts with one’s own thinking, choices and behaviours, in other words, self-leadership, our first leadership practice sessions are about leadership in our immediate spaces.
This approach is also consistent with the principle of people being object and subject of leadership.
The second set of instances in which we must choose to lead is our variety of collective or group settings, such as teams and workspaces—the teacher, headmaster, team captain, CEO, journalist, political representative and country president.
The third set of practical applications takes us to leadership as an activist citizen. We are citizens wherever we are. Because our Leadership is wall-to-wall, we are called to lead as citizens – on our commute to work or the mall, standing in the queue at the checkout counter, in our neighbourhoods and in our recreational spaces.
There are two assessments in Part 3.
The final waypoint is where you get to play Alpha Rummy.
The game of cards is another data point to appreciate that Social Agency is our power to lead, no matter what cards the universe serves up for us.
At the end of Alpha there is a mentoring and support phase, with the continuation of the Leadership Weekly Notes.
Your Leadership Journey starts right now!
One of the most stubborn obstacles to any successful behavioural transition and change is the inertia created by old habits and behaviours.
Our old ways of thinking and behaving have enormous leverage over us.
So, if we want to establish new ways of thinking and behaving we must act immediately on new learning, knowledge and choices, and be relentless to habituate the change. Otherwise, the old ways creep back in.
Many of us know how a ‘New Year’s Resolution’ fails in week two, for example. Or maybe losing weight, or eating healthier, or embarking on an exercise regime… just fades away.
A frequent reason why people fail to bed down a new habit or way of doing things is inaction in the immediate aftermath of the choice.
The vital step is thus the first immediate step in the new direction—we must join together all three elements of our Agency: we think, choose and act forthwith!
Alpha and the immediate mentoring phase help you to implement the practice of Influential Leadership—to transition from knowing to doing.
In addition, we share the online Leadership Weekly Notes that will refresh, rekindle and keep you on track.
Alpha : Who should learn to be Apex Skilled?
If you...
- want to lead,
- want to be in demand,
- imagine you cannot lead,
- want to be the difference in your world,
- are fed up with legacy forms of leadership,
- are an executive who demands to go further,
- dare to enjoy a meaningful and impactful life,
- demand your business to be more productive,
- want to shape the best life possible for yourself,
- want your staff and colleagues to be empowered,
- are a retiree that wants to nudge your grandchildren right,
- need the tools to influence other people’s lives for the better,
- want to be surrounded by people who say ‘we can’, and get it done,
- are a scholar who wants to look back one day at great achievements,
- are a sportsperson who wants to do more than kick a ball or pedal a bike, or
- have lived in the shadows until now, but want to stand up, go first and live in the light,
– then you must learn to be an Apex Skilled Leadership Activist!
There are two limitations, both are self-selective, you decide
Firstly, while Alpha is designed to cater for a broad range of people in terms of age, life stage and life experience, it is intellectually demanding and is best suited for people who are at least 15 years of age, and have sufficient schooling or life experience to understand the issues.
Secondly, Alpha requires English language competency, even if not your home language.
Beyond these two self-determined criteria, everyone is offered the opportunity.
The choice lies with each of us.
Alpha: Why be Apex Skilled?
One person.
One Life.
Go first, get things done, leave a legacy beyond your bones, live meaningfully for yourself and others…
If that is too cryptic let me expand.
Did you know that humans (and probably other animals) learn in utero—in the womb?
Yep, we begin to learn before we are born.
Learning is what we do to have a better chance of a better life.
And I include all forms of learning, not only formal learning. Formal learning might be the least useful learning, but that is another matter.
Whatever your vocational choice might be—by that, I mean the thing or things you do to add economic and social value to yourself and society—requires learning and practice to be capable.
Accounting. Athletics. Dancing. Coding. Cycling (of course). Doctoring. Engineering. Entrepreneuring. Farming. Governing. Gardening. Managing. Policing. Politicking. Plumbing. Teaching. Writing…
Learn and practice to be skilled, to be capable.
It is fine if you are a little skeptical on this, but let us accept that Malcolm Gladwell was correct in principle that we need to spend a lot of time (about 10,000 hours he estimated) at something to be super capable at it.
We know that!
It is not a moot point that people who are the best at anything generally spend the most quality time doing that thing.
That is why we call some folk a ‘specialist’ because that is all they do, that one thing.
The point is, if I want to be a great criminal lawyer or solar electrician or software engineer, or a leader, I had better learn what there is to learn, and then get going with my 10,000 hours.
To leadership then.
Leadership sits at the Apex of things we do. It is the single skill, the one capability that not only pulls all the other strands of our lives together but also permeates them.
So, whatever else you do, and whoever you are, leadership is the most strategic capability for your life—leadership is an Apex Skill.
BTW. What does ‘being strategic mean’?
- It is being able to look into the future, to see yourself in a desirable future circumstance, and then from there to look backward to your present, and work out what you must do to get to that future point.
Can you do that?
Come along, we’ll help you to be strategic.
And, because leadership does not materialise in our portfolio of capabilities through a hidden membrane, we need to learn it and practice it.
That is why you need to join us on Alpha, right now!
You must first learn to be a great leader before you can choose to be.
P.S. I bet that every other leadership course and conversation you have encountered connects leadership with a gender (male, of course), an office (normally a big one), a personality (often a bully or the smoothest talker), a position (high in the hierarchy), or a title (captain, boss, CEO, celebrity, minister or president).
You know. I know. We all know. That is nonsense.
P.P.S. Influential Leadership is democratic, it is open to everyone, including those of us who imagine we are leaders because of our titles.
What will Alpha Empower me to do?
It depends on what your ‘world’ is:
- A Grade 11 learner faces a multitude of subject choices in preparation for their next life phase – as a tertiary student, an entrepreneur, an artist, a musician or a tradesman.
- A Grade 12 learner might face unemployment
- What about the solo entrepreneur who must make the call to grow or stay solo?
- Then there are the newly employed who face a ‘boss’ from the Industrial Revolution, they want to escape but cannot find another job.
- Perhaps the aspirant best-selling author who needs more than writing.
- Take the corporate executive who realises that their staff say yes just because they’re the ‘boss’, not because they agree, support or respect their views.
- There’s the sportsperson who knows their game is not up to scratch, and their sport is full of chemical cheating, but is too afraid to face the issues.
- Maybe a politician who does want to represent the electorate, but is caught up in a corrupt system.
There are as many ‘worlds’ as there are people, and they change as we proceed with our lives and within different social domains.
We each have our story, our issues, our need to do better, be better and live better.
So, no matter your ‘world’, Influential Leadership will equip you to sift through the issue, consider the merits of alternatives, make sound choices, act on the choices, and produce the best outcome for yourself and others affected.
At the heart of your enhanced and newfound capabilities will be the essence of your social agency, which is to:
- Think critically,
- choose smartly, and
- act with productive purpose.
The caveat of course is that we do this on the basis of our Influential Leadership System’s architecture:
- The philosophy,
- The principles,
- The behavioural attributes,
- The circumstances we exercise our leadership on (leadership moments), and
- The productive outcomes we achieve.
In a commercial context, a sports team, a government department or any social collective you will find that you can shape the world in practical ways so that you and others are better off.
Alpha at your Fingertips
Delivered online – 24/365.
Built on the LearnDash learning management system.
Self-managed and asynchronous.
Start as you please, learn at your own pace.
Average time to complete Alpha is 50 hours.
A maximum of 14 weeks is granted.
Individual feedback and support throughout.
Two weeks of formal mentoring plus ongoing weekly communications.
Invest in Your Best Life
Karoo’s approach is to make Influential Leadership as accessible as possible.
R4,450 p.p. (individuals)
Groups are quoted according to the size of the group.
Contact Colin at: