We are Apex Skilled

Over the past three weeks we have considered the three elements of Social Agency, namely, to think critically, choose smartly and act with productive purpose.

While Social Agency is part of Influential Leadership’s ecosystem so we practice it within the overall Leadership System, it is also stands on its own to power our Leadership Apex Skillset.

Rasheed Ogunlaru (quoted above) is correct.

It is a tragedy, personally and globally, that we might learn ‘the past’, but we learn it as if it does not belong to us.  As if it has no bearing on us, on today, on what we do or do not do.

If the lessons from the past and of other’s are not internalised—the successes built upon and the fallings corrected—we make no progress.

We go blindly into the dark…

Influential Leadership seeks to light the way, to fulfill the dictum that:

We see and go further because we learn from the lessons of others and our own.[i]

Here is the essence of our Social Agency.

  • Thinking critically implies we make work of knowing what has gone before, we get to understand and analyse the history, the context and what others have said and done.

Albert Einstein did not start from nothing to formulate his theory of general relativity!

  • Our choices are only smart if we follow the logic and reason of critical thinking.  If we do all the thinking, and then abandon it at the point of choosing, we are doubly ignorant.
  • We align our thinking, choice and action.

There are Leadership Moments happening all the time in our lives, ordinary day-to-day moments, and then the big ones that influence and shape our and other’s lives far downstream.

People who learn to apply Social Agency in their lives are Apex Skilled and equipped to lead at each of their Leadership Moments.

If you want to enjoy productive outcomes to your Leadership Moments, all of them, apply Social Agency in your thoughts, words and actions

Colin @ Karoo
We Activate Apex Skills!

[i] This idea is based on the quote often attributed to Isaac Newton, but originally dates from a phrase coined by Bernard of Chartres (1080-1130).  ‘If I have seen further, it is by standing on the shoulders of giants’.

Leadership Weekly Note: 0524.290124
e: colind@karoo.world
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